Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Emily Osment's Measurements

preface ..... Lupone to see each person as I write a little poem, according to what their person and I persosnalità comes for you ... I want to make poetry more than a preface particular may seem strange to me .... talk to you like you're making you a declaration, in fact, is what I think you are .... not really show what you're just not show your weaknesses, wonderful feeling you want to keep for you .. that's why I mostly Chinese box ... .. because in my mask very well ... you're a really sweet guy, I understand that you put the music, the words you use, from your behavior ... . just wait for it ...... you will seize you sweet friend .. hope that with your woman, sooner or later we discover how you ......


Un gioco complesso di scatole cinesi


incastrate dentro altre

e io precipito nel fondo della piu' grande

della piu' complessa

e della piu buia,

dove sei

ripescami da qui'

c'e' freddo e buio

io ranicchiato

ho brividi incontrollabili

incastrato nella piu' grande emozione

suonata dalle corde della mia anima,

preoccupatadel mio divenire gelido

del mio divenire metallo.

So che mi trovera

iso che troverai la soluzione

in questo groviglio

di scatole cinesi

come la nostra vita

so che troverai la soluzione

and I trust you

because only you know the size of my eyes

the warmth of my heart

you only know

my love .....

I will look into these boxes

.... I'm sure you'll find


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