Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Dresden Style Lace Figurines

prefazione: Questa poesia mi è stata gentilmente " donata" da Deliziosamediterranea, una cara amica, dolcissima, la pubblico con piacere e La ringrazio di cuore.

L a vita la vorrei piu' semplice
Senza falsita' e menzogne
La vita la vorrei realmente giusta
La vita la vorrei piu' vita.
Senza parole graffianti
they get to break
a planet of virtue '
If you do not do the right thing
When you only to add points.
life I want a little more 'healthy
Although it is not' guilt of life
but of who sells it and the mask
Whose sick with jealousy and envy hurts
Who confuses plugs with eyes
Who plagiarizes, whose minds of those who kill.
want her life with deep respect,
honor the estimate because the 'life is not' a game
Bensi 'apprenticeship
In which we all share, brave and cowardly
Being able to hit and burned with fire
But the water of consciousness
is always close at this time
to refresh confused
To find the best solution and so
Start with the most 'attention the same game.


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