Friday, December 14, 2007

Which Brand Is The Strongest Paper Towel?

Gold Dust Woman

Diagnosi: squilibrio fra i fattori aggressivi (acido cloridrico, pepsina...) e fattori protettivi (barriera della mucosa, secrezione di bicarbonato...), no presence of Helicobacter pylori. In other words I was puncturing the duodenum with my juices. The 'where he makes a turn was a beautiful pozzangheretta ... I was digging the grave. Risk lacerations. Three out of four gastroenterologists had identified the same cause: depression. Autopunendo I was, I was hurting its own, no biological cause, just mental.
One was even direct terrorist: it has two options' Miss, one, makes me rich, and every year you sew up one of the holes that you power of attorney, so when the body has learned ... there are no drugs of any kind; two enter into therapy this week, and I promise you that in two months without work, the walls of his duodenum ritornano allo spessore normale. E non prenda sottogamba quello che le sto dicendo: sta messa peggio dei mie pazienti con tumore.
Dopo di lui ne ho sentiti altri tre. Perche' nn si dica che mi fido del primo che passa.
A ricordarmi quelle parole c'è una ecografia che ho tenuto, l'ultima, dove non si vede nessuna differenza di spessore nelle pareti, appunto guarita, come disse lui in due mesi; ma ad un occhio piu' attento ed esperto so indicare l'esatto punto di una piccola cicatrice...perche' i dolori lasciano il segno, a futura memoria.
Ma la depressione è ancora li', mi ferisce in modi diversi, anche se nn piu' al duodeno.
La depressione è una malattia, non si cura con un'aspirina nè con un esorcismo. Did not seek it, is not contagious. You find it on you, is your second skin, is you. It 's like to be Batman and Joker, Lex Luthor and Superman, Spiderman and Green Goblin, unfortunately in the same body. How do you fight you without destroying or cancel? And at the same time are the worst enemy of yourself. In Italy
affects 11% of the population (2004 data National Institute of Health')... in reality 'this is the percentage of those who have been diagnosed ... missing all submerged,' cause you shame. ..
E '... a disease surrounded by ignorance and misinformation that create many prejudices. Most people mistake it for a drama of life, or only a psychological problem, believes that the only appropriate treatment is to force himself and react, too bad attitudes are counterproductive. Depression is a debilitating medical condition. I mean 'is an illness like another. It affects your body and soul, highlights the enduring relationship, interdependence and to fight this war on all fronts to learn.

And you're there to accept a disease that nobody understands, that many consider that others would pass in silence, trying to heal and live. Sometimes I seem to dig the grave with a silver spoon, slowly and inexorably. Drip. As the drops of acid on my duodenum.

Rock on, gold dust woman,
take your silver spoon, dig your grave.
Heartless challenge,
pick your path and I'll pray.
Wake up in the mornin',
see your sunrise loves to go down.
Lousy lovers pick their prey,
but they never cry out loud,
cry out.
Well, did she make you cry,
make you break down,
shatter your illusions of love?
And is it over now?
Do you know how to pick up the pieces
and go home? Mmm...
Rock on, ancient queen,
follow those who pale in your shadow.
Rulers make bad lovers.
You better put your kingdom up for sale,
up for sale.
Well, did she make you cry,
make you break down,
shatter your illusions of love?
Well, is it over now?
Do you know how to pick up the pieces
and go home?
Well, did she make you cry,
make you break down,
shatter your illusions of love?
And now tell me, is it over now?
Do you know how to pick up the pieces
and go home, and go home?
You pale shadow of a woman.
Black widow.
Pale shadow of a dragon.
Black widow.
Black widow.

Gold Dust Woman
Fleetwood mac


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