Friday, December 21, 2007

Cocoa Butter To Remove Dark Spots

Zucchina e Avocado

Io vorrei sapere come fa la zucchina romana a costare 5.69 euro al kilo mentre l'avocado sta a 3.39, capisco che è fuori stagione, di serra, il blocco dei TIR, gli aumenti di Natale, il petrolio, il dollaro che scende e l'euro che sale, etc. etc. etc. ... ma l'avocado è d'importazione e la zucchina arrivava da meno di 50 km da casa mia. Ma come c@zzo do you pay less than a cake of bread. 'Cause Christmas is all hysterical and full of anxiety? 'Cause we go shopping like we're coming to the rationing of food (the shops re-opened on 27 ... mica in six months)? 'Cause also increase towels (I swear I checked that I bought them last week) and Scotch?
Christmas is good news that comes as a whisper. E 'dim lights of candles and the smell of the barn. E 'silence to look inside And then looked at each other straight in the eye. 'Cause we are not at all been good. 'Cause there's nothing to rejoice. 'Cause we're here now and not after the kingdom of heaven. A child born in a barn is too little, is too small. E ' a candle that seeks to illuminate all the darkness. And 'nothing in the complexity' of the world.
Faith is the only thing that helps me to understand the foolishness of God My piece of a candle to illuminate all the darkness.
Christmas is good news that comes as a whisper.
The whisper of God, ruah, women's singles, best רוח הקודש, ruah HaKodesh "," Holy Spirit ", no, no, no, Holy Spirit, no, better to fill the power of God that men and women. The female side of God, that if it was not even a woman would not have made in his Image and likeness.
HaKodesh Ruah, the dynamic impulse, not the capacity 'to understand or illuminate the intellectual, but the ability 'of wind, breath, to move things without touching them, something intangible that has an effect on concrete, which affects "materials".
Christmas is good news that comes as a whisper and a candle to illuminate all the darkness.
Here there is too much noise and too much light.


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