Monday, December 3, 2007

To Date Or Not To Date Sayings

grazie france'

ci sono persone che conosci e ti entrano subito nel cuore. ci sono amici che rivedi ed è come se nn fossero mai passati 8 months difficult, ugly and beautiful moments nn I had crossed the soul and scored.
I reviewed today. After nearly a year. yet it seems like yesterday that I left.
time has dug nn no distance.
you have a bright smile and playful, especially rare in a man, that colors the air around when you talk, and when you turn it on, your eyes sparkle and your face lights up.
and so 'today when you spoke of your children, your future, the hopes and disappointments that life gives us,' but also of the wonders that await us around the corner. I know, life with us has been stingy and generous at the same time.
there are reports that nourish the soul and the eating and drinking and I forgot what I was si puo' stare bene a fare due chiacchere con te. grazie france'.


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