Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tingling Fingers Thirst

Buone Feste

Che la serenita', la gioia e la speranza vi avvolgano come un carezza attesa e non sperata...

... e che possiate condividerle con chi volete, come volete.

ci si rivede a gennaio 2008 :* a tutt*

Friday, December 21, 2007

Cocoa Butter To Remove Dark Spots

Zucchina e Avocado

Io vorrei sapere come fa la zucchina romana a costare 5.69 euro al kilo mentre l'avocado sta a 3.39, capisco che è fuori stagione, di serra, il blocco dei TIR, gli aumenti di Natale, il petrolio, il dollaro che scende e l'euro che sale, etc. etc. etc. ... ma l'avocado è d'importazione e la zucchina arrivava da meno di 50 km da casa mia. Ma come c@zzo do you pay less than a cake of bread. 'Cause Christmas is all hysterical and full of anxiety? 'Cause we go shopping like we're coming to the rationing of food (the shops re-opened on 27 ... mica in six months)? 'Cause also increase towels (I swear I checked that I bought them last week) and Scotch?
Christmas is good news that comes as a whisper. E 'dim lights of candles and the smell of the barn. E 'silence to look inside And then looked at each other straight in the eye. 'Cause we are not at all been good. 'Cause there's nothing to rejoice. 'Cause we're here now and not after the kingdom of heaven. A child born in a barn is too little, is too small. E ' a candle that seeks to illuminate all the darkness. And 'nothing in the complexity' of the world.
Faith is the only thing that helps me to understand the foolishness of God My piece of a candle to illuminate all the darkness.
Christmas is good news that comes as a whisper.
The whisper of God, ruah, women's singles, best רוח הקודש, ruah HaKodesh "," Holy Spirit ", no, no, no, Holy Spirit, no, better to fill the power of God that men and women. The female side of God, that if it was not even a woman would not have made in his Image and likeness.
HaKodesh Ruah, the dynamic impulse, not the capacity 'to understand or illuminate the intellectual, but the ability 'of wind, breath, to move things without touching them, something intangible that has an effect on concrete, which affects "materials".
Christmas is good news that comes as a whisper and a candle to illuminate all the darkness.
Here there is too much noise and too much light.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Mario Salieri Filmes Gratis

Sotto le stelle del Messico a trapanar

Under the Stars of Mexico to drilling, mining oil
and evenings when night falls go.

There's this song by De Gregori I bounce from one hemisphere of the brain to another, takes me back in time. In another me, a thousand other distant me. I think of how many women have been e a quella che vorrei veramente essere. Me stessa, quella da non tradire mai. Tradita a volte per amore o per rabbia, per vendetta o per sfida.
Sono mesi che non riesco a guardare piu' al futuro. Cerco di capire il passato, ma non mi aiuta ad andare avanti. Stasera sono stanca di stare con lo sguardo fisso indietro.

e nelle sere quando scende la sera andar.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Grace Baby Lock Price

è quasi natale

Lasagne, polpette, insalata con noci, falanghina e mari@.
E' quasi Natale? No, è tornato mio fratello.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Which Brand Is The Strongest Paper Towel?

Gold Dust Woman

Diagnosi: squilibrio fra i fattori aggressivi (acido cloridrico, pepsina...) e fattori protettivi (barriera della mucosa, secrezione di bicarbonato...), no presence of Helicobacter pylori. In other words I was puncturing the duodenum with my juices. The 'where he makes a turn was a beautiful pozzangheretta ... I was digging the grave. Risk lacerations. Three out of four gastroenterologists had identified the same cause: depression. Autopunendo I was, I was hurting its own, no biological cause, just mental.
One was even direct terrorist: it has two options' Miss, one, makes me rich, and every year you sew up one of the holes that you power of attorney, so when the body has learned ... there are no drugs of any kind; two enter into therapy this week, and I promise you that in two months without work, the walls of his duodenum ritornano allo spessore normale. E non prenda sottogamba quello che le sto dicendo: sta messa peggio dei mie pazienti con tumore.
Dopo di lui ne ho sentiti altri tre. Perche' nn si dica che mi fido del primo che passa.
A ricordarmi quelle parole c'è una ecografia che ho tenuto, l'ultima, dove non si vede nessuna differenza di spessore nelle pareti, appunto guarita, come disse lui in due mesi; ma ad un occhio piu' attento ed esperto so indicare l'esatto punto di una piccola cicatrice...perche' i dolori lasciano il segno, a futura memoria.
Ma la depressione è ancora li', mi ferisce in modi diversi, anche se nn piu' al duodeno.
La depressione è una malattia, non si cura con un'aspirina nè con un esorcismo. Did not seek it, is not contagious. You find it on you, is your second skin, is you. It 's like to be Batman and Joker, Lex Luthor and Superman, Spiderman and Green Goblin, unfortunately in the same body. How do you fight you without destroying or cancel? And at the same time are the worst enemy of yourself. In Italy
affects 11% of the population (2004 data National Institute of Health')... in reality 'this is the percentage of those who have been diagnosed ... missing all submerged,' cause you shame. ..
E '... a disease surrounded by ignorance and misinformation that create many prejudices. Most people mistake it for a drama of life, or only a psychological problem, believes that the only appropriate treatment is to force himself and react, too bad attitudes are counterproductive. Depression is a debilitating medical condition. I mean 'is an illness like another. It affects your body and soul, highlights the enduring relationship, interdependence and to fight this war on all fronts to learn.

And you're there to accept a disease that nobody understands, that many consider that others would pass in silence, trying to heal and live. Sometimes I seem to dig the grave with a silver spoon, slowly and inexorably. Drip. As the drops of acid on my duodenum.

Rock on, gold dust woman,
take your silver spoon, dig your grave.
Heartless challenge,
pick your path and I'll pray.
Wake up in the mornin',
see your sunrise loves to go down.
Lousy lovers pick their prey,
but they never cry out loud,
cry out.
Well, did she make you cry,
make you break down,
shatter your illusions of love?
And is it over now?
Do you know how to pick up the pieces
and go home? Mmm...
Rock on, ancient queen,
follow those who pale in your shadow.
Rulers make bad lovers.
You better put your kingdom up for sale,
up for sale.
Well, did she make you cry,
make you break down,
shatter your illusions of love?
Well, is it over now?
Do you know how to pick up the pieces
and go home?
Well, did she make you cry,
make you break down,
shatter your illusions of love?
And now tell me, is it over now?
Do you know how to pick up the pieces
and go home, and go home?
You pale shadow of a woman.
Black widow.
Pale shadow of a dragon.
Black widow.
Black widow.

Gold Dust Woman
Fleetwood mac

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hl=en&q=car Games&meta=

Requiem for a dream

La sentivo, sapevo che si stava avvicinando, che avrebbe affilato le sue unghie sulla mia carne. L'ha fatto. E' esplosa dentro e mi ha sanded the soul. I softened the blow. I have a fever at 40, but outside you see nn. I cry and I keep crying. I hoarse from shouting. Nn
Sorry if I send invitations to my funeral. But there is one place and it is for me.
I Battut and lost: dreams, relationships, friendships, unable to keep anything. I'll be back in therapy and I lock myself in the world. Now without skin, anything is unmanageable. Try to enjoy your life to me nn failed.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Best Blue Print Of Balsa Wood Design

in partenza...

... prepare the case, the direction of Milan, again, I have one of these surprises waiting for me:
- weekend in paris
- weekend in London
- weekend in a castle

only clues: Take a document of identity 'and a nice dress, they mean nothing and everything and knowing the type ... can sidetrack well.
I have done my standard: * Hairdresser
: short and blacks who like 'can I put the red lipstick
* Beauty: usual waxing and a manicure from fear
* Shopping: little, that the money is running out to a

No what I was prepared to recognize in the mirror again.
in the category of women who are shorter, dye, stretch, short hairstyle change when they change something in their lives ... important.
I dyed my hair red just come back in Italy, and besides more 'short eppoi i boccoli, eppoi ancora piu' corti, eppoi la permanente, eppoi un altro rosso... eppoi ieri cortissimi, sbarazzini, neri, il mio colore naturale.
Asciugati lisci. Finito.
Infilo gli occhiali, mi guardo allo specchio, io.
Mi riconosco...dopo molto tempo, tantissimo che mi sembra un secolo di lontananza da me. Sono io quella nello specchio. Sono di nuovo io.
Non sono i capelli che mi cambiano l'anima o il carattere, ma riescono a ricordarmi da dove vengo, la mia storia...e gli ultimi tasselli si inseriscono nel puzzle complessivo, mi guardo e mi riconosco. Sorrido all'immaggine nello specchio.
Cammino diversa, l'ha detto il brother.

Vado a fare la valigia...che senno perdo il treno...fate i bravi mentre sono via ;)

Monday, December 3, 2007

Watch Film On Usb Sticks On Tv

ore 00:22

ore 00:22 sms sul mio cellulare
"Siamo ubriachi e un battello a venezia ci portera' spero a destinazione. Il mio matrimionio è incipiente. Sono fuori di testa dall'euforia"

Cappotto dalla sedia per la gioia. Che bello. Potessi abbracciarvi e baciarvi... c'è una tenera giovane donna troppo in gamba perche' lui fosse cosi' tonno da non stringerla a se per sempre.

Questa è per voi

To Date Or Not To Date Sayings

grazie france'

ci sono persone che conosci e ti entrano subito nel cuore. ci sono amici che rivedi ed è come se nn fossero mai passati 8 months difficult, ugly and beautiful moments nn I had crossed the soul and scored.
I reviewed today. After nearly a year. yet it seems like yesterday that I left.
time has dug nn no distance.
you have a bright smile and playful, especially rare in a man, that colors the air around when you talk, and when you turn it on, your eyes sparkle and your face lights up.
and so 'today when you spoke of your children, your future, the hopes and disappointments that life gives us,' but also of the wonders that await us around the corner. I know, life with us has been stingy and generous at the same time.
there are reports that nourish the soul and the eating and drinking and I forgot what I was si puo' stare bene a fare due chiacchere con te. grazie france'.

Get Well Card Ladies Broken Leg


Roma è belissima, con qualsiasi tempo, con qualsiasi cielo.
Puzza di smog, è caotica e muore di traffico. Eppure ha una magia tutta sua. Diversa dalla magia di Londra, di Venezia o di Praga. Oggi, la giravo in autobus e guardavo fuori dal finestrino, la vedevo uguale e diversissima, la stessa ed allo stesso tempo mi sembrava di visitare una citta' nuova, in continua evoluzione. Mi sento a di casa... anche se so con certezza che Roma non sara' la città in cui voglio vivere, perche' lentamente, ma inesorabilmente qui la qualita' della vita si sta abbassando.

Ma bella è bella... che senti er friccichio ner core quanno la guardi.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

What Do U Need For Your New York State Id

piccole cose

l'amore conta.
l'amicizia conta.
scrivero' sta benedetta lettera.
eppoi rasserenero' il cuore. spero.

EDIT: c'ho provato, giuro che c'ho provato, ma sta lettera che c'ho dentro al cuore, fuori nn vuole uscire...

EDIT2: la lettera l'ho scritta. adesso decantera' nel cassetto per un po' eppoi la spedisco.