Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Money For Birthday Gift Requests

Berlino è il 900

Berlin is 900. Berlin is the Belle Epoque, the Weimar Republic and Third Reich. Berlin cabaret, philosophy, music, politics and science. Berlin Marlene Dietrich, Rosa Luxemburg and Hannah Arendt. Berlin has a light that you do not know explain and breathtaking sunsets. Berlin is Richard Strauss Albert Einstein and Bertold Brecht. Berlin a century of modern architecture.
Berlin is the first and last name of each man and each woman the death camps were swallowed. Berlin is a battle that is one meter at a time, street by street, alley to alley, under a rain of bombs, which ultimately takes away 80,000 Russians and 150,000 Germans.
the Berlin Wall, a scar from north to south, the cold war and the war of spies. Berlin 1989, is a reunification with the aftertaste of annexation.
Berlin Turkish immigration: integration and tension. Berlin rivers of bicycles and a subway system that rivals.
Berlin is 900, is the memory, which is why take everything, every piece is important to remember, to reconstruct the memory.
Berlin is a modern, dynamic, young, active cultural fit for children, programs for women, family friendly, constantly evolving ... launched into the future.
Berlin is a non-integrating east and west.
Berlin is the guilt that is passed from generation to generation.
Berlin is the 900 that comes to terms with himself, with its beauty and its horrors, with the sleep of reason and feelings and with the most 'high expressions of both, that does not deny the contradictions, but try to bring on wrinkles as they teach without denying le cicatrici.
Berlino mi ha riempito gli occhi e mi ha fatto pensare...che la Storia la scrivono i vincitori, ma che se vuoi, nelle pieghe, nei vicoli, nelle birrerie, nelle case delle persone, puoi cercare le storie che nessuno racconta, che illuminano la Storia e la rileggono, storie vere come sono vere le loro vite.
Se visitate Berlino, non chiudetevi nei musei, ma camminate, camminate e guardatevi intorno, guardate la gente, sedetevi con loro nelle caffetterie e nelle birrerie, visitate il centro e le periferie, godetevi una citta' che sul Suo muro ha scritto "Turisti, non lasciateci soli con i tedeschi", firmato, i Berlinesi.

P.S. Questo viaggio non sarebbe mai potuto "accadere" senza il tuo invito e senza his home. Thanks to both of the heart.


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