Friday, January 11, 2008

Brother And Sister 20 Year Old

l'amore ai tempi della depressione

you're there 'metal edges to redo your boots xche' items you have delivered 4 packs of 5 for Gift of the witch, the first speaks to you of the efficiency of the above points north crush them to him on the gums. That this urban legend northerner energy you gave you a bit 'broken, fake as Monopoly money. And then try to make silence inside of you to me, because 'you need to open the cap, that thou hast all in the head and try to figure it out, but you also know that to do so alone you risk screwing ... the phone rings.
Virgil (invented name), but what the hell did you end, you're missing?
Tarta: relocation, boyfriend, up and down 'between Lombardy and Piedmont ...
Virgil maro 'Tarta, six in vogue lately, you've got to teach me to start a blog too!
Tarta: mhm
Virgilio: che è sto suono? che c'è che nn va?
Seguiranno 3 ore al telefono e non metaforiche, ma 3 ore d'orologio.
Alla fine Virgilio e Tarta decidono di partire insieme, una settimana a Berlino. Tarta non c'è mai stata. Virgilio c'ha vissuto due anni da ventenne, subito dopo la caduta del muro.


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