Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Bmx Color Painting Application

oppressive memories ...

Io chiedo qui e adesso

a questa corte indulgente

di persone affiatate

dall'animo gentile

che io sia giudicato

per la grave offesa

che stò facendo al mondo

che io sia incatenato

al mio mondo irreale

con l'assoluta certezza

che il mondo mi abbia dimenticato.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Watch South Park Subtitles English

dark soul ...

Cerco un'anima oscura nella rete del mio cuore

looking at my reflection in the shadow of my horizon

I'm afraid of tomorrow, and I do not know what to do going forward

what to say ...

surrounded by darkness pressing

I need to live my whole world from the dark heart of a witch

the spirits I hear that the moon

help me and the darkness have mercy on me ...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Less Aggressive Colorectal Cancer

Destiny ...

I was there, sitting,

intent to write a few lines behind the bars of my prison ...

those lines, so ... among those lonely white

pages were my way of escape ...

... from prison without borders

without obstacles ...

that was my mind.

I mad jester of my past, holding the keys to my future

and feet only misery and death ...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Value Of Dresdenfigurens

Dream or condemnation?

E 'so that the fate of dreamers?
Getting lost in the maze of the mind in ways that wedging
breathe in every day as asuefatti thoughts of freedom ...
I Believe ...
do not know ...
not understand ...
... Who are
who I was ... Who will I be
not a compass to indicate the line
not the enlightened way or charismatic prelate, learned Professors and wise parents.
... So it is my fate is sealed

Here Now

With no glimmer of life ...

Friday, November 14, 2008

Married Claim One Or Zero On W4

clouds hung like a stormy sea on the other hand ...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Stories For 14 Year Old

Ghosts ...

I'll be damned ...

for my infinite mind

I'll be damned ...

for my volglia

to live I'll be damned ...

perhè I can not find my way I just want a

bit of silence.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mask Ball Invitations

The fog of my thoughts ... I want to soak up

I heard this beautiful phrase, and I'm looking for the author ...

is the kind of atmosphere that makes me dream ...

Light the candles and assemble

offer gold, silver, diamonds


not accept "I chose him"

and he went with her that night was quiet

silence and mystery a veil of mist

and then, as far as the roar of the cannon ...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Calories Burned Denise Austin

Seeking the way to where

in a world that does not even see the invisible

ask myself the impossible

with their feet while remaining free to move in

my free world

Sunday, October 5, 2008

List Ftse Companies Capitalisation

Forum ...

Silence ...

want to hear the sounds of the wind

I want to taste the air vibrations

quiet ...

do not listen to anyone ... What's hot

unexpected mystery

Mnet in my dark world ...

open a window ...

uno spiraglio...

un foro...


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Does Carmella Bing Has Hiv

A sore arm ...

Quella notte ebbi un'illuminazione ...
è come quando viaggi ... non è tanto importante avere un punto di arrivo ma una partenza consolidata,
un'idea di partenza ...
un respiro di sicurezza ...
un significato ...
un posto dove tornare in caso di difficoltà ...
un ideale su cui basare la tua esistenza ...
.. il mio era osa ...
osa sempre
osa per il tuo diritto alla vita
osa perchè sei unico ma anche parte del sistema
osa ciò che gli altri non oserebbero mai
direi che per stasera basta con i pensieri profondi, anche perchè stò scrivendo steso sul letto appoggiato su un braccio che mi stà cominciando a far male...

Buona notte a tutti e sogni mistici...

Friday, October 3, 2008

Big And Tall Wrestling Uniform

Lust ...

Quando ci sei tu,

il mio mondo si riduce al tuo respiro ...

... Caldo vento di lussuria.

Con questa poesia stò partecipando al concorso di Yamamay - Poesie d'amore (il punteggio è un pò bassa ma l'importante è partecipare... o no?)

Why Does My Testicles Hurt When I Bend Over

Memories ...

Memorie ...

Gocce di incauti pensieri si fanno strada

in questa lunga notte

non sò distinguere il sogno dalla realtà

il bene dal male

fall ...

asurdità of a precipice, perhaps expressed the terror of the blank page ...

what would be the restless sitting in the lake of all this?

another attempt to get away from reality?

to blur the boundaries of the dream?

only follies

be troubled by a deep breath

getting ready to dive

through the maze of his mind

that luck will assist you, that you listen to the spiritual realms and that wisdom in your hearts.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Replace Thermador Smw272 Microwave

dare ...

Let us leave this day

in this cool summer evening

flags flutters in the wind and the rain falls


boulders were rolling clouds in the sky

a purple sky lit by the rays of the sun as seagulls


aah ...

sadness the sadness of loneliness

in a world falling apart ...

dare for even a moment

of closeness with my own being ...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Typical Life In Singapore In 1970

... a small sound card

hovers in the air

as an airplane


in our mind

opens ... can be thermoformed to form new ...

... what is it?

... a dream born

infinite nature of an eye.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Free New Church Member Welcome Letter

Looks ...

... you turn around, look at me,

our eyes meet the blood boils skin burns ...

... tremble

lower my eyes unable to say

to explain ...

excuse me I'm watching a butterfly

Soundboard Prank Calls Legal

Lacrime Sotili scendono

dal mio Io...

bagnando oceani di sogni senza memoria.

Io... non mi ritrovo

non iconosco iò che voglio essere

fasci di luce illuminano

questo desewrto

Monday, March 24, 2008

Community Hours Sample Letter


pensavo fosse piu' facile salvare il proprio blog con i commenti, ma ho scoperto che non è proprio semplicissimo e c'è troppo lavoro da fare (sono partita con l'idea di farmi addirittura un DB). Alla fine ho deciso di lasciarlo cosi', che mi piace di più.
Nel frattempo ho traslocato qua

Una volta, qui c'era il Bar Mario:
l'han tirato giu' tanti anni fa
e i vecchi, i vecchi, i vecchi,
i vecchi, i vecchi, i vecchi,
sono ancora lì che dicono
che senza non si fa oooh.
E, su, il controllo sembra un tempio ooh,
non sanno che siamo down here 'oooh.
The Plexiglas will be the example and we may
much, but here it can not be more right '.
Souls Plexiglas
are dancing a tango.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Kate's Playground Majorwager

Se tuona, da qualche parte piovera'

I closed the blog at midnight, micha at 06.30 I found 4 emails asking for access. But no one does not sleep in the blogosphere? Thanks for the words, and for all. Nn This blog is becoming private, I simply closed and then delete it from the platform. I'm waiting for instructions from the team x blogspot save on a DVD and nothing else. Unfortunately, this platform does not give me 'the opportunity' to write a message to those looking for the blog. But it has a unique message is that it is a private blog x access, whether access is allowed only to the author. Sorry, I was always on subjunctives suck. In the words of Our Lady Peace is the game of life, even if it hurts. Or as I said last night: Oh well, 'These things happen.

Can Men With Vasectomy Have Wet Dreams


was before this blog existed before the words I wrote in this virtual page. My life, my person is not even when I write. I live life even when nn step from here. My blog is not me, there are many ways and I know x nn are just words written in recent months. I feel hurt, used, does not happen, no question. As I was transparent. I heard you say many things this evening. I do not know which side most 'evil. Maybe all. I have some faults, fragility of '... are sometimes inconsistent. I can not do many things, others I can not say. I defend myself as I can, I love how they are able, build relationships as they are capable. And often they are not capable. But maybe he's right Conny, needless learn.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Ovarian Brown Discharge

Interno Berlinese

A large room, white, bright light from Berlin nn even feel like there is. The sun is going down while we prepare dinner. You were ready, did you direct questions, and sautéed in the kitchen. I prevaricated setting the table, I did not search for answers.
need to cross the hell of Virgil. You took me by the shoulders and forced to look in the mirror. You have crossed with me 12 months of hell. You want to talk to each evento, di ogni stramaledetto giorno. Hai voluto sollevare pietre e guardare dentro gli armadi e sotto i tappeti.
Senza spavento, senza giudizio, senza recriminazioni mi hai raccontato di nuovo questo 2007 denso e difficile. Lo hai riletto tutto, senza lasciare nulla al caso.
Ma l'immagine di me che mi rimandi non è inchiodata al 2007, è complessa. Vecchia di 10 anni di amicizia. Tu hai visto molto di me e mi stai rimandando molto.
Le mie parole sono un processo che non mi discolpa, le tue il senno della complessita'.
Tu mi hai incontrata diversa, mi hai visto cambiare, piangere e gioire, sognare e realizzare, impuntarmi e scazzare, quante cose sai di me, quante ne abbiamo vissute insieme. Tu mi hai vista, tu conosci What I have in the back.
I forgot my past and I see no future, I remain rooted to 2007.
you smoke another cigarette, have a direct words and look me in the face.
No more room for feeling sorry for himself. Not any 'no reason.
Hell you can not 'cross alone. There is no need to cross the hell of Virgil.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Money For Birthday Gift Requests

Berlino è il 900

Berlin is 900. Berlin is the Belle Epoque, the Weimar Republic and Third Reich. Berlin cabaret, philosophy, music, politics and science. Berlin Marlene Dietrich, Rosa Luxemburg and Hannah Arendt. Berlin has a light that you do not know explain and breathtaking sunsets. Berlin is Richard Strauss Albert Einstein and Bertold Brecht. Berlin a century of modern architecture.
Berlin is the first and last name of each man and each woman the death camps were swallowed. Berlin is a battle that is one meter at a time, street by street, alley to alley, under a rain of bombs, which ultimately takes away 80,000 Russians and 150,000 Germans.
the Berlin Wall, a scar from north to south, the cold war and the war of spies. Berlin 1989, is a reunification with the aftertaste of annexation.
Berlin Turkish immigration: integration and tension. Berlin rivers of bicycles and a subway system that rivals.
Berlin is 900, is the memory, which is why take everything, every piece is important to remember, to reconstruct the memory.
Berlin is a modern, dynamic, young, active cultural fit for children, programs for women, family friendly, constantly evolving ... launched into the future.
Berlin is a non-integrating east and west.
Berlin is the guilt that is passed from generation to generation.
Berlin is the 900 that comes to terms with himself, with its beauty and its horrors, with the sleep of reason and feelings and with the most 'high expressions of both, that does not deny the contradictions, but try to bring on wrinkles as they teach without denying le cicatrici.
Berlino mi ha riempito gli occhi e mi ha fatto pensare...che la Storia la scrivono i vincitori, ma che se vuoi, nelle pieghe, nei vicoli, nelle birrerie, nelle case delle persone, puoi cercare le storie che nessuno racconta, che illuminano la Storia e la rileggono, storie vere come sono vere le loro vite.
Se visitate Berlino, non chiudetevi nei musei, ma camminate, camminate e guardatevi intorno, guardate la gente, sedetevi con loro nelle caffetterie e nelle birrerie, visitate il centro e le periferie, godetevi una citta' che sul Suo muro ha scritto "Turisti, non lasciateci soli con i tedeschi", firmato, i Berlinesi.

P.S. Questo viaggio non sarebbe mai potuto "accadere" senza il tuo invito e senza his home. Thanks to both of the heart.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Monica Roccaforte2010

intermezzo di dolore (23/01/2008)

When it takes all. Leaves zero room for the rest. Nn And you know when and if you go 'way. You dig a nest and you scrap a bit 'of silence. That the world continues to turn out, but you've got your hangover pain to dispose of.


Sunday, January 13, 2008

What Is The Life Expectancy Of A Moped

intermezzo in tempo reale (22/01/2008)

if you have the walls of shit, you pierced with the tip touches the first five, and besides the six, otherwise you have the Frejus tunnel. but you lose a lot of time in removing the tip, put the tip, and the work cmq nn is clean. A time to fix the wall mount and a shoe rack from Ikea c'avrei put six pieces an hour, is passed an hour and a half 'way. I lost my hand ... I'm getting old.
Shoe 1 - Tarta 1. Ball in the center.

Donation Letters For Church

Berlino: foto scema 1

Garden Nikolai Vierte, Alexanderplatz, Berlin. Statue of Marx and Engels. Sitting Marx, Engels standing.

Tarta: Come on, show me a picture
Virgil alright, get close ... what are you doing?
Tarta: I get on the knees of Marx ...
Virgil, eh?
Tarta: sure, you would like to ... get your ass out of touch ... what Communism with a capital C!
Virgil come down!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Brother And Sister 20 Year Old

l'amore ai tempi della depressione

you're there 'metal edges to redo your boots xche' items you have delivered 4 packs of 5 for Gift of the witch, the first speaks to you of the efficiency of the above points north crush them to him on the gums. That this urban legend northerner energy you gave you a bit 'broken, fake as Monopoly money. And then try to make silence inside of you to me, because 'you need to open the cap, that thou hast all in the head and try to figure it out, but you also know that to do so alone you risk screwing ... the phone rings.
Virgil (invented name), but what the hell did you end, you're missing?
Tarta: relocation, boyfriend, up and down 'between Lombardy and Piedmont ...
Virgil maro 'Tarta, six in vogue lately, you've got to teach me to start a blog too!
Tarta: mhm
Virgilio: che è sto suono? che c'è che nn va?
Seguiranno 3 ore al telefono e non metaforiche, ma 3 ore d'orologio.
Alla fine Virgilio e Tarta decidono di partire insieme, una settimana a Berlino. Tarta non c'è mai stata. Virgilio c'ha vissuto due anni da ventenne, subito dopo la caduta del muro.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Volley Ball Camel Toes


Avevo tre post in testa anzi quattro. Molte cose da elaborare. Altre belle appena capite. Eventi inaspettati che mi hanno lasciato una dolcezza profonda nel cuore. Ma ho appena litigato e nn mi va di fare nulla. Domani parto per milano e sabato per Berlino. Sto via una settimana. Ho voglia di divertirmi ed anche di parlare piano davanti ad una birra di amicizia e futuro.