Friday, February 4, 2011

Genital Herpeswhite Film During Healing


down from Tracino towards the town of Pantelleria, the most northerly point, we find the district of Khamma (etymologically: a place always in the shadow), famous for the production of the past, in fact Khamma there are the wineries and Donna Mueggen Fugata, internationally known brands.
's winery whose owner is Mueggen Murana family, I had the pleasure of knowing and being able to appreciate both the quality of the products in the genuineness of the family Murana. I recommend all visitors to the island to take a trip to Mueggen, to pamper your taste buds with food and wine tasting offered by Salvatore Murana. Do not forget the unique taste of some Martingana (winning the world) or the more 'male' of Khamma, to the sweetness of young Mueggen and, for the most demanding my advice is to abandon the "inner journey" proposed by Salvatore Created with the ... Enjoy it in a night of full moon, in the charming scenery of the hills of Mueggen, with the company that you like most and you'll never forget!
The picturesque wineries Murana logo depicting a full moon in the hills of Mueggen

The award-winning home Murana

Under the district there is' the little port of Gadir, a lovely jewel of the island. A Gadir there are very few abitazioni, perlopiu' arroccate sul versante montuoso che scende a picco sul mare e nei mesi estivi fanno mostra di loro barchette coloratissime, rendendo il porticciolo simile ad un dipinto di altri tempi. Percorrendo il molo fino in fondo ci si trova alle "pozze di acqua calda" in cui e' possibile immergersi quasi tutto l'anno e godere dei benefici delle acque termali dell'isola.


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