Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Oversized Building Blocks


Che cos’è in fondo un bacio?
Per i romantici un apostrofo
rose between the words I love you,
hygienists for an effective
method exchange of bacteria,
for the actors a scene from a
for a word with the singers the
to be reckoned with in finding the
Everyone has a key Reading,
ma è pur vero che di in certi momenti
il significato che si dà a un bacio
è uguale per tutti…o no?

A quanto pare nemmeno tra uomini e donne ci sarebbe
concordanza di sensazione living this moment so
important relationship between two people.
According to the results of a search in fact,
while for women the exchange of a
is a gesture full of meaning,
much of the sessuale in sè.
Per i maschi invece
si tratterebbe di un semplice
which does not devote much attention
as do women.

There's more.
meeting of two lips
can in fact learn a lot.
The way in which a man kisses a woman
would seem to be directly related
his skill under the sheets .
In other words: if you kiss well
will also be a good lover and vice versa.
Who is hasty and selfish
so is the kiss,
who knows give generously
and devote himself entirely to the partner
will do even a simple kiss ...
you agree?
For you, the kiss is so important?
...... Even more than sex?


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