Sunday, November 14, 2010

Rashes After Pedicures

Dreaming Dreaming

dream a dog
The dream of a dog is a symbol that refers a strong reaction to a repressed desire or a great aspiration that has not happened yet. When you see black will be betrayed by a friend. When white is the next time you bump into a nice person. Dream a dog furious indicates a fear justified qualchecosa . When it is dangerous coincides with a libel if it is familiar and affectionate if he is dead we will ambush you are in enemy territory and hostile. If we played with this a long series of setbacks and disadvantages of this if you are attacked indicates that the next time we should have a lot of caution, if it is pitted against someone you have great hostility. If the dream takes place in a shelter means you will end up in misery howls and if it is a great sign of danger. In short dream this kind of animal in most of the time is a bad dream except when the color is white , as a sign of purity and lightness, but the vast majority of Stra cases this does not happen he is black and brings misery and misfortune and evil sorrows. Try to stay away from scrapes and delicate matters in the next few moments now to avoid this sort of dream people who know the enemy and be wary even of those who have always been friends.

always try to pay close attention for anything and for any event, confiding in loved ones and fears about the daily misadventures.


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