Thursday, November 22, 2007

Why Do My Legs Ache And Burn

Volevo dire...

... I'm looking for a template that I like, a decent job and to survive without killing my mother. Nn she became aware that I am 36 years old, tells me to wash my hands and blow my nose ... exact words.
I wanted to make a new post with the new template, but I lose too much to write ....
I just finished reading the night pushing farther than Mario Calabresi (with Lula). I read it in four hours. It took me fifteen minutes to recover.
Mario Calabresi was born in 1970, is one year older than me. We crossed the same time, we are of the same generation ... that's only 70 years, those called Lead the years, I have studied in books, read the articles, they took a father to him and marked his life forever. But the most 'beautiful this book is the absence of hatred or resentment, a witness and very sobering.
And then a thought, the temptation remains strong in my country, Italy, the country I love, to forget, to pretend that nothing has happened, instead of seeking truth 'and justice, the only way to turn the page and reconcile. In South Africa avoided a civil war ...

Dear Mario, maybe you'll never know, but thank you.


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