Friday, December 24, 2010

Remove Mirena Does It Hurt

I touched the sea ... Contrada La Grande

" Qui,
nel luogo più improbabile della mia mente ho ritrovato la tua voce, il tuo profumo, the embrace of your time is marked only by yourself ...
When you add the flow of my emotions flow, return to the root of my self, to a place far away in space, yet always in me ... impossible to forget ...
Your voice whispers words of comfort, tells me that wherever you find
and that for every moment of this existence
accompany me know and I know I hear you everywhere, wherever they find Mother, My Goddess, My Tanit "

Merry Christmas Island My Dreams

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Louana Pure Coconut Oil


It 's the district where they lived for about four years, what I personally love most of the island. Facing south-east offers ogni giorno i nuovi colori dell'alba ed è sempre un momento di grande emozione attendere il sole spuntare dal mare. A volte, soprattutto in primavera e in autunno, capita che il lungo orizzonte marino sia completamente sommerso dalla nebbia e da Tracino, che si trova a circa 150 mt s.l.m. sembra di trovarsi sopra le nuvole...In questi giorni il sorgere del sole è uno spettacolo offerto da Madre Natura... la nebbia lentamente si colora di un rosa tenue in un crescendo di intensità fino a divenire così forte da essere guardato con difficoltà e poi... un'enorme palla infuocata, violacea, appare all'improvviso sulle nubi...

Chi ama i tramonti preferisce le contrade di Scauri e Rekale, a sud-ovest, because it never allows the Big Mountain at sunrise and sunset to reach out to the same horizon ...
Tracino is also the district where it rains more, and from which you can watch a spectacular and rare phenomenon: the magnetic storm ... Silent lightning that run horizontally across the sky ... unnecessary to wait for the rumble of thunder ...!

Shopping in Tracino

Who decides to stay in this country, (but let's say that the same thing all over the island), will not find a way to spend time shopping ... A Tracino there is a square, called Piazza Perugia, where a tobacco insist, a grocery store and two bars, one is also a pizzeria, as well as a simple church with a curious octagonal plant.

(Salvatore Piazza of tobacco in his Perugia)

In the district there are also two grocery stores, one of which is open every day including holidays until 22:00 ;, shop for souvenirs and a home-shop of shoes next to the circle Koutek. The circles are present in all the districts, there are two in Tracino and are important for the population as become a meeting place and celebration in long days and winter evenings. In this period are filled with notes, people, happiness and even of good wine that you are not missing at all! About
good wine and local produce, about 150 meters from Piazza Perugia continuing to Garland, there is an old renovated dammuso in which 'can taste and buy wine, raisin wine, capers, jams and so on all production of 'company Agrisole ( ) using traditional recipes of the origins and authenticity in all its products. the board if you want to take home a bit 'of the unique flavor of this island.

lovers to stay underwater dell'atività Tracino and 'the best given the proximity of Cala Levante and Diving on, as well as with the most famous island Elephant Arch, where the water is a spectacular transparency despite the deep!

(From above: map diving, diving, elephant arc)

Cala Levante 'the most exclusive location, con bellissimi dammusi ristrutturati che si affacciano sull'immenso azzurro e l'elegantissimo Club Levante Gold che ospita sempre numerose personalità dello spettacolo, della politica, dello sport...

Pantelleria Gold piscina

Pantelleria Gold: Suite Venere

Nella contrada è anche possibile trovare dammusi in affitto per il periodo delle vacanze, especially summer, but for the rest of the year from individuals. They are little jewels, pearls set among the white walls, ladders and arches of the cobbled streets of the district. If you are interested in finding the dammuso "home" email me telling me what you prefer, especially the distance from the sea ... recalling that in the whole island there are beaches, but rocks and lava rock, and the relative proximity to the sea becomes absolutely!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Dedication To Family On Wedding Programs

has many names, many faces, eyes on arcane size ... She La Grande Rose, Daughter of the Wind, The Black Pearl ... her little ground in the great Mare Nostrum ... Pantelleria.
E 'a woman wild, untamed, knows that struck my heart with its silent inhabitants of stone, with the clear notes of his constant companion: the sea ... Clear ... infinity ...
They say the "Pantelleria" that this land does not accept warm hearts and anyone who comes will have a choice between love or hate. Not you, the visitor, to decide what is for you ... She chooses only the hearts that want to tighten and tie for all its chains of love! She is alive, button calls you and you can not resist ... female fatale ... blows up your heart with love and when you decided you do not have more choices ... She becomes your girlfriend, your home, your back to yourself ...
Look, listen to the silence of your inmost being, becomes a rock between the rocks, drop in the sea, stars in the night, to join her beauty, you will hear his appeal ...

Sample Of A Letter Of Deferment

Rosa Island Obsidian

The entire island is a source of obsidian, stone walls and houses if they do besides souvenirs today if they were blades, mirrors and jewelry in ancient times. This
pietra nera, figlia del vulcano, levigata e tagliente ha, in qualche modo, da sempre attratto l'uomo che consciamente o inconsciamente ne ha compreso o sentito le proprietà.
Scrive Katrina Raphaell nel suo libro "Cristalli" :
" L'Ossidiana Nera agisce da magnete attirando le energie dei chakra superiori, cioè le forze dello spirito, verso il 1° chakra, cioè il centro di energia che attiene alla Terra, ai fattori fisici, alla sopravvivenza e alla realizzazione dell'Io personale "
Questa pietra "specchio" svolge l'importante funzione di metterci di fronte al nostro Io profondo, alle nostre paure, insicurezze, atteggiamenti egoici e quant'altro in order to purify such waste and recover the original light of our Self.
Living, walking, breathing on an island of obsidian involves real disruption at the deepest levels of Being, a zero value comparable to a death and rebirth to the true reality of one's self.