Saturday, November 29, 2008

Value Of Dresdenfigurens

Dream or condemnation?

E 'so that the fate of dreamers?
Getting lost in the maze of the mind in ways that wedging
breathe in every day as asuefatti thoughts of freedom ...
I Believe ...
do not know ...
not understand ...
... Who are
who I was ... Who will I be
not a compass to indicate the line
not the enlightened way or charismatic prelate, learned Professors and wise parents.
... So it is my fate is sealed

Here Now

With no glimmer of life ...

Friday, November 14, 2008

Married Claim One Or Zero On W4

clouds hung like a stormy sea on the other hand ...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Stories For 14 Year Old

Ghosts ...

I'll be damned ...

for my infinite mind

I'll be damned ...

for my volglia

to live I'll be damned ...

perhè I can not find my way I just want a

bit of silence.