Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Kate's Playground Majorwager

Se tuona, da qualche parte piovera'

I closed the blog at midnight, micha at 06.30 I found 4 emails asking for access. But no one does not sleep in the blogosphere? Thanks for the words, and for all. Nn This blog is becoming private, I simply closed and then delete it from the platform. I'm waiting for instructions from the team x blogspot save on a DVD and nothing else. Unfortunately, this platform does not give me 'the opportunity' to write a message to those looking for the blog. But it has a unique message is that it is a private blog x access, whether access is allowed only to the author. Sorry, I was always on subjunctives suck. In the words of Our Lady Peace is the game of life, even if it hurts. Or as I said last night: Oh well, 'These things happen.

Can Men With Vasectomy Have Wet Dreams


was before this blog existed before the words I wrote in this virtual page. My life, my person is not even when I write. I live life even when nn step from here. My blog is not me, there are many ways and I know x nn are just words written in recent months. I feel hurt, used, does not happen, no question. As I was transparent. I heard you say many things this evening. I do not know which side most 'evil. Maybe all. I have some faults, fragility of '... are sometimes inconsistent. I can not do many things, others I can not say. I defend myself as I can, I love how they are able, build relationships as they are capable. And often they are not capable. But maybe he's right Conny, needless learn.